Abraham (Ab) Flipse is the university historian of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. As an Assistant Professor/Research Fellow in the History of Science, he is based in the Cultural History research group within the Faculty of Humanities. Having a university-wide position, he also performs functions such as public outreach and advises administrators, faculty, and students on matters dealing with the history of the University.

He conducts and coordinates research on the history of universities in the 19th and 20th centuries (especially the history of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), of science, of medicine, and of science & religion; and he teaches on a variety of subjects. His research covers the science-religion debate among Roman Catholics and Calvinist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries; and the long-term development of the creation/evolution debate and the rise of young-earth creationism in the Netherlands.

Flipse has contributed chapters and articles to a number of publications, including the journals Annals of ScienceChurch HistoryPhilosophia Reformata, and Isis. His publications in Dutch include the book Christelijke wetenschap: Nederlandse rooms-katholieken en gereformeerden over de natuurwetenschap, 1880-1940 [Christian Science: Dutch Roman Catholics and Calvinists about the Sciences, 1880-1940] (328 pp., Hilversum: Verloren 2014), and the edited volume: Verder kijken: 135 jaar Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in de samenleving [Looking Further: 135 years Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in Society] (248 pp. Amsterdam: VU University Press 2016).