research directory

History and Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Science, Science Education

Peñaloza, Gonzalo

Ciudad de México | Mexico
Researchers Website


Gonzalo Peñaloza is Professor and researcher at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV), Unidad de Monterrey – México.

He holds a PhD in Teaching, History and Philosophy of Sciences (Universidade Federal da Bahía – Brazil), and a PhD in Science Education (Universidad Distrital – Colombia).

He explores the borders between science and culture at formal and non-formal learning environments. His research tries to understand how science education contributes to foster critical thinking, and how biology education interacts with culture, politics and society. For instance, he has explored about the Darwinism circulation on school biology at Colombia, and the role of school biology to citizenship building.

Currently, Gonzalo is supervisor of masters’ theses on biology teaching and he is participating in different professional teacher development initiatives in México and Colombia.