- See Elgin, G, Vernon., 1960. The Eighteenth Century Discussion Concerning the Continuation of Miracles After the Apostolic Age with Special Reference to the Writings of Conyers Middleton. Ph. D. Edinburgh University ; also see Hume, D., 1748. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. London: A. Millar. p.180
- Strauss, Friedrich, D., 1902 The Life of Jesus. Translation of fourth German edition. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co. Lim. p.71
- Lecky, W., 1865. History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe. Vol1. London: Longmans, Greens and Co. p.151-205
- Powell, Baden., 1860. On the Study of the Evidences of Christianity, in: 1860. Essays and Reviews. London: John W. Parker and Son, West Strand. p.107, 142
- In 1876 John O. Means complied (in chronological order) all of the articles replies – in support or opposition – to the proposed prayer-gauge debate during the early 1870s; this was then published under the title The Prayer-Gauge Debate. See Tyndall, John., 1872. On Prayer in: J, Means, ed. 1876. The Prayer-Gauge Debate. Boston: Congregational Publishing Society. p.111
- St Augustine. Contra Faustum, XXVI.3. Available at <>
- Tulloch, J. 1863. Beginning Life. London: Alexander Strahan & Co. p.35
- T, Frederick., 1884. The Relations between Religion and Science. London: Macmillan.VII.
- Stanley, M., 2011. The Uniformity of Natural Laws in Victorian Britain: Naturalism, Theism, and Scientific Practice. Zygon Journal of Religion & Science. [e-journal] 46(3). Available through: Wiley Online Library website