Published by Rafael Cazarin:

International Research Network on Science, Religion and Health

Summary: The principal aim of the Research Network on Science, Religion and Health (RN-SRH) is to foster exchange and collaboration among researchers working at the intersection of science, religion, and health. The project builds up on the experience of a previous project funded by the INSBS Regional Network Grant programme but aims to go much further, pursue more innovative strategies and amplify its long-term impact in academia and beyond. This phase has four objectives: First, to stimulate exchange and cross-fertilisation of ideas between academics and professionals to advance the understanding of social and cultural narratives, and practices, on science, religion/spirituality and health in contemporary societies. We will work to promote the involvement of Global South scholars, and members of underrepresented groups. We consider that academic conversations and atmospheres can highly benefit from being more inclusive. Second, to promote training and mentoring activities for early career researchers, especially from historically underrepresented

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Biomedical narratives around gender and sexuality in religious contexts: the case of digital activisms in Mexico and Spain

Summary: The aim of this project is to recognize and examine the key scientific and religious arguments on the body related to gender and sexuality debates mobilized by religious and non-religious activists on social media platforms. More specifically, the project will identify profiles and narratives in which religious and non-religious beliefs intersect with the human body’s life science and biomedical knowledge within digital activists -advocates and organizations- in the Spanish and Mexican contexts. The project is relevant because, within the fragmentation of spaces for the construction of meaning and the growing mobilization of religious identities in the public sphere, the COVID-19 pandemic context caused an explosion of digital activism. The creation and circulation of content in which the mixture of different fields of knowledge and symbolic universes proliferated on social media. Furthermore, previous field research allowed us to identify the circulation of content between activisms in Mexico and Spain linked

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European Network on Science, Religion and Health

Summary: The principal aim of the European Network on Science, Religion and Health is to foster collaboration among researchers working at the intersection of science, religion and health in Europe. The network has three main lines of action. First, to stimulate communication and theoretical cross-fertilisation between researchers in order to advance the understanding of social and cultural narratives on science, religion/spirituality and health in Europe. Second, to identify, systematise and disseminate existing research on this topic, and to create a directory of researchers doing research on the subject in Europe. The third line of work focuses on promoting training and mentoring activities for early-careers scholars working in this field in Europe. The main outputs of the network will be the following ones. On the one hand, the creation of an online space, with a directory of researchers, a bibliographic repository and a news section. A Twitter account will also be

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