International Research Network on Science, Religion and Health

Summary: The principal aim of the Research Network on Science, Religion and Health (RN-SRH) is to foster exchange and collaboration among researchers working at the intersection of science, religion, and health. The project builds up on the experience of a previous project funded by the INSBS Regional Network Grant programme but aims to go much […]

Toward an Expanded and Sustainable Latin-American Research Network for the Study of Science, Belief and Society: A Follow-Up Effort.

Summary: Building on a previous grant, this project applies novel social network theory and methods (Wasserman & Faust, 1994) to increasing the socio-academic impact of the established Latin-American Research Network for the Study of Science, Belief and Society (LARNSSBS – Informed by this theoretical perspective, improved network efficiency is pursued by strengthening interconnections among […]

MENA S&R Regional Network– expansion of activities, 2023-2024

Summary: We are requesting funding to support a series of events, aimed at expanding the network activities of MENA S&R. During 2023-2024, we will organise an international hybrid workshop, an onsite tour, a virtual seminar series, a student writing essay prize and a writing retreat. Inspired by recent studies of non-Christian contexts in the study […]

Gerotranscendence and the secularization of society: A Canadian perspective

Summary:  Numerous large-scale surveys in the United States and Europe suggest steady generational declines in religiosity and religious social participation, with visible shifts from one cohort to the next (Idler, 2022). And yet, research considering the secularization of society has largely ignored age and ageing as important points of inquiry (Idler, 2021). Similarly, beliefs in […]

Islamic Madrasa Education & Modern Science: Comparative case study of the impact of curricular innovations at a contemporary Pakistani seminary (madrasa)

Summary: Islamic seminaries (madrasas) in Pakistan are educational institutions equivalent to high schools and universities. They admit 14-16 year olds and impart a 7-9 year Islamic education with the intention of creating religious functionaries: mosque leaders (imams), congregational prayer leaders and sermon-givers (khateebs), juris-consults (muftis), etc. Since 9/11, multilateral agencies and the government have pushed […]

Weekday Worldviews: The Patrons, Promise and Payoff of Psychic Nights in England

Summary: Weekday Worldviews is the first sociological investigation of the relationships between worldviews and psychological wellbeing amongst those attending public psychic events in England. Often hosted in pubs and working men’s clubs on weekday evenings, psychic nights frequently attract women in working-class areas and are quite common, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. Revitalising a tradition […]

A dis-enchanted world? Research on the non-religious in Argentina

Summary: The researchers of this project previously participated in “Science and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum” and produced 64 interviews and 7 focus groups on the perceptions of Argentinians (scientists and from the general public) about the relationship between science and religion. This project has already produced 2 written articles (another one is in the process […]

Sciences & Beliefs in reproductive medicine: trajectories, perspectives and articulations among ART experts and users in the biomedical field in Argentina

Summary: The project aims to study the relationship between science and religion in Argentina from the Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ARTs) field. To this end, we explore the perspectives, practices, and processes of articulation of reproductive medicine and religion, attending to the trajectories of two main actors involved, experts and users of ART in Argentina. The […]