In this episode James and Will welcome Professor Reynaldo Rivera, Full Professor in the School of Communication and Design, post-doctoral researcher Dr Arturo Fitz Herbert and researcher Sol Barbera from Austral University (Argentina). Reynaldo, Arturo and Sol discuss there work as project partners on the Science and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum of Global Perspectives project, which sees teams of researchers in eight countries investigate the relationship between science and religion using diverse sociological, social psychological, historical and media/cultural studies methods. Focusing on the Argentinian case, the Austral team present findings from their qualitative and media studies work, showing how the relationship between science and religion is perceived and presented as operating in very different ways depending on the social context (e.g. in professional science vs in more public arenas). The Austral team also discuss their efforts to identify scholars in the region (Latin America) working on similar topics and pull together a network of such scholars – the CRYS Network – to share research and best practice, which has even included establishing their own Spanish-language Science and Belief Podcast!
(This episode was recorded in March 2023)
This podcast is 56 minutes and 38 seconds long.
The keywords associated with this episode are:
- Science & Religion
- Argentina
- Qualitative Sociology
- Media Studies
- Social Network Analysis
- Podcasts
To learn more about the contributors work, we recommend you check out:
Fitz Herbert, A. L., Rivera, R., Ketelhohn, F., & Elsdon-Baker, F. (2023). Conflict narrative, stigmatisation and strategic behaviour of religious scientists in the Argentinean scientific field. Acta Sociologica, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/00016993231173292 Galan-Ladero, M.M. et al. (2021). COVID-19 Pandemic and Social Marketing: Enhancing Quality of Life in a Global Health Crisis. In: Galan-Ladero, M.M., Rivera, R.G. (eds) Applied Social Marketing and Quality of Life. Applying Quality of Life Research. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-83286-5_5 For more information on the CRYS network visit www.crysnetwork.org To listen to the CRSY Network Podcast visit https://www.crysnetwork.org/team-3-1. Alternatively, all episodes can be found on Spotify |
Director of the Master's Degree in Communication Management in Organizations, Director of the EPC. Full-time professor at the Universidad Austral, and postdoctoral researcher in the project “Science and Religion: exploring perspectives”, led by the University of Birmingham.
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Reynaldo Rivera. PhD in Communication, University of Navarra, Spain. Msc in Sociology, University of La Sapienza, Italy. Full time professor in Universidad Austral (Argentina), Visiting Professor in University of Navarra and Secretary General of InterMedia Consulting (www.intermediaconsulting.org). Institutional affiliation: Universidad Austral.
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