Mgr. Danijela Jerotijević, PhD. is a social anthropologist working as a research assistant at the Institute of Social Anthropology at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia.

She has been a research associate of the Laboratory for experimental study of religion at the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech republic.

She studied comparative religious studies and archeology and obtained PhD. degree from the Department of Comparative Religious Studies (Comenius University, Bratislava). Her dissertation was based on the long-term field research in central Serbia. She analysed social and cognitive aspects of supernatural harm beliefs and practices.

Her main focus is in anthropology of religion and medical anthropology, but she has been participating also on projects in the field of anthropology of education and anthropology of exclusion. In broader context, she is interested in evolutionary, cognitive and cross-cultural features of human thought and behaviour. Currently, she is involved in projects focusing on ritual and anxiety and she performes field research on alternative spirituality in Slovakia. She is also a team member (the Eastern Europe team) of the international interdisciplinary project Geography of Philosophy.

Her teaching experience includes courses of cognitive anthropology, psychological anthropology, anthropology of religion, theory and methodology of field research.