Middle East and North Africa Research Network on Science and Religion in Society

The Middle East and North Africa Research Network on Science and Religion in Society (MENA S&R) is a new initiative to support researchers and graduate students who study issues related to the interface of science and religion in societies in the MENA region from a large range of disciplinary perspectives such as: history, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, STS, education, hermeneutics and more. The network has several foci including: small grants for researchers (see call for papers below), virtual events, online interviews with researchers and we are looking for more ways to promote collaboration. Get in touch with us at mena.science.religion@gmail.com or follow us on Facebook here.

Release Schedule for Conversations & Perspectives Interviews with Researchers:

Follow this link to see all released episodes of ‘Conversations & Perspectives’ on the MENA S&R YouTube channel.

Winning papers:

Recent publications from the MENA S&R network:

Book Symposium: Islam and Evolution: Al-Ghazālī and the Modern Evolutionary Paradigm. Theology and Science, (2023), Volume 21, Issue 4

Pear, R.S.A., Malik, S.A. Categorizations of the interface of evolution and religion. Cult Stud of Sci Educ 17, 625–634 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11422-021-10097-x

Past events and activity: