Network Grants

This grant scheme seeks to promote the growth of the study of science and belief globally, by supporting the ongoing development of an international network of active academic researchers.

The scheme will allow for the development of local and regional research networks. Grants will be awarded for events and activities that share the aims of INSBS and which can evidence a contribution to the development of the field at a national or regional level.

We welcome applications from academic researchers based in any country worldwide, although priority will be given to proposals from scholars working in countries and regions where the field is less established. To read more about how to build a good network, see our blog page.

All applications should include:

  1. A 2-page CV for each applicant and team member
  2. A signed letter of support from your institution(s)

Please use the above templates and email your completed applications to with a subject heading including your name and the title of the funding programme you are applying for (e.g., “John Doe. Seed Funding Application”).

Further guidance on how to complete the application can be found in the Application Guidance 2023-24 document.

Allowable Expenditure

Research grants will be administered by the University of Birmingham and provided to awardees as sub-awards.

Permitted uses of sub-award funding include:

  • Research expenses, such as research participant compensation or incentives, transcription costs, translation costs, reprographics, survey costs, and participant recruitment expenses
  • Salary costs and/or teaching buyout
  • Modest allowance for justifiable equipment, publication charges, software and other supplies

Funding CANNOT support any institutional overheads or indirect costs.

Given current global and local travel restrictions in many countries, we welcome grant applications that include novel ways to collect data, which might include incentives to participants to take part in interviews, or focus groups via digital platforms. Any plans for travel or in-person research should be based on a realistic assessment of COVID-19 risks/regulations.  Where Travel or Lodging costs are included they cannot consist of more than 10% of the overall grant requested.